BOC - December 2019 Meeting Minutes
Little River County Housing Authority Quarterly Board Meeting
Thursday, December 12, 2019 @ 2:00 pm
The Quarterly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Little River County Housing Authority was held on Thursday, December 12, 2019 @ 2:00 pm at the Housing Authority Community Room in Ashdown, AR.
Members present: Chairman Joel D. Adams, Vice-Chair Barbara Brown, Commissioner Rebekah Adkison, Commissioner Anthony Nelson and Secretary Denise Riley.
Members absent: (I) Vacancy
ITEM I) Meeting was called to order by Chairman Joel D. Adams.
ITEM II) Roll call by Secretary Denise Riley
ITEM Ill) Welcome: Chairman Joel Adams welcomed new Board Commissioner Anthony Nelson.
ITEM IV) Reading and approval of Previous Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were mailed to all Board members for review prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Rebekah Adkison to accept the previous minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Barbara Brown. All were in favor. Motion carried.
ITEM V) Executive Director Reports:
- Approval to adopt 2020 HCV Payment Standards: 2020 HCV Payment Standards were mailed to all Board members for review prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Barbara Brown to adopt the 2020 HCV Payment Standards. Seconded by Commissioner Rebekah Adkison. All were in favor. Motion carried.
- Approval to adopt 2020 Public Housing Flat Rents: 2020 Flat Rents for Public Housing were mailed to all Board members for review prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Barbara Brown to adopt the 2020 Flat Rents for Public Housing. Seconded by Commissioner Rebekah Adkison. All were in favor. Motion carried.
- Authorization to submit application for Streamline Voluntary Conversion: Denise Riley gave the pros and cons of converting from Public Housing to Project Based Section 8. Ms. Riley stated that Board members have had extensive training and consulting on the Voluntary Conversion process. She feels comfortable submitting an application. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Rebekah Adkison to submit an application for Streamline Voluntary Conversion. Seconded by Commissioner Barbara Brown. All were in favor. Motion carried.
- Financial Reports: Financial reports were mailed to Board members for review prior to the meeting.
- Approval to add a new Board Commissioner to Certificate of Deposit (CD) accounts: Denise Riley reported to the Board that the CD accounts at Farmer's Bank & Trust and Horatio State Bank need to be updated with a current Commissioner. Otto Cowling Jr. is still listed on the accounts. Chairman Joel Adams suggested that Commissioner Barbara Brown be listed on CD accounts at Farmer's Bank & Trust and Horatio State Bank. A motion was made by Commissioner Rebekah Adkison to add Commissioner Barbara Brown to CD accounts at Farmer's Bank & Trust and Horatio State Bank Seconded by Commissioner Barbara Brown. All were in favor. Motion carried.
ITEM VI) New Business:
- Board Commissioners were given a copy of the PHAS Report.
- Board Commissioners were given a copy of the SEMAP Report
Having no more business, Commissioner Barbara Brown made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Rebekah Adkison. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned.